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Passion - Honesty - Trust

Thanks for visiting our website. At PST Aviation, we never compromise on safety, service, or quality. Established in 2017, PST Aviation is an expert in private aviation. Trust us to handle all your private aviation requirements with the utmost professionalism and passion. Homebase is Zurich, Switzerland. 

About Me

I am a professional Business Aviation Consultant who has been working in the industry since 1992. I have strong industry relationships, enabling PST Aviation to provide professional and personalized care for your asset. 

My professional experience includes different roles in the aviation industry. I am the founder of PST Aviation and a Bombardier Global Advisory Board Member since 2014. In the past, I also served as an Accountable Manager for ExecuJet Europe AG and held various positions at Jet Aviation Business Jets AG and SR-Technics. Additionally, I have worked as a Licensed Aircraft Engineer at Swissair. With a multifaceted professional background encompassing a blend of technical, operational, and managerial roles, I am uniquely qualified as the go-to person for inquiries pertaining to private aviation matters.

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Drawing on my years of experience and unwavering commitment to quality, I dedicate myself to creating an exceptional aircraft completion,PPI, and final delivery process. My clients can expect a seamless and successful experience, thanks to my extensive operational and technical knowledge that enables me to ensure cost-effective solutions.

Bombardier Global Platform

NEW Aircraft deliveries (including 6500 & 7500)

Expert in pre-purchase inspections with extensive experience

Multiple 240/120-month inspections involving projects related to modifications, refurbishments, and painting

Core Competencies

Completion Management Expert

Bombardier Global 7500 / 6500

PST Aviation, with its profound understanding of aircraft completion project management, recognizes the substantial accountability associated with such endeavors. This comprehension drives PST Aviation's commitment to ensuring that the final product quality epitomizes the utmost excellence attainable by the selected completion center.


PST Aviation's comprehensive, turnkey solution encompasses the entire spectrum of activities, spanning from the judicious selection of the aircraft to its seamless entry into service. The company's extensive experience with the Global 7500 / 6500 aircraft sets it apart as a leader in the industry.


As a valued member of the initial Focus Group and subsequently the MSG-3 team, PST Aviation has played an instrumental role in the development of the maintenance program for the Global 7500. This close collaboration with Bombardier's engineering team has fostered a longstanding and mutually beneficial partnership.


PST Aviation's wealth of knowledge and expertise will contribute significantly to a seamless specification phase and final acceptance, thereby ensuring a smooth entry into service for the aircraft. This comprehensive approach underscores PST Aviation's dedication to delivering exceptional results and sets a benchmark for excellence in aircraft completion project management.

My Services

The Cutting Edge

Aircraft Pre Purchase Inspection

The Path to a Successful PPI

Ensuring my clients' success is my primary focus, and my services underscore my dedication in achieving that. With 20 years of experience in PPI management, PST Aviation has a proven track record.


To maximize your PPI's potential, it's crucial to have well-structured Letters of Intent (LOIs) and Aircraft Purchase Agreements (APAs), and to select the right Maintenance Repair Organization (MRO).


Schedule an introductory meeting with me to discover how we can work together to make your PPI a success.

Completion Management / New Aircraft delivery

Why PST-Aviation

As an independent company, PST-Aviation's clients are our number one priority, and we’ll go the extra mile to make sure they’re completely satisfied with our work.

I understand all aspects of the completion process and therefore I offer you a turnkey solution that can start from the selection of the aircraft interior to the aircraft entering into service. PST-Aviation will represent you and will have eyes on all the details involved in the completion of an aircraft. 

Buying / Selling Aircraft

Expert Guidance

If you're in the market for an aircraft, whether it's your first purchase or you're looking to upgrade, I can make a significant difference to your investment. With over 30 years of experience in operating and maintaining aircraft, I have acquired a wealth of knowledge that can help you make informed decisions about buying, operating, and maintaining your aircraft. Here's a brief overview of the services I offer:

  • Finding the Right Aircraft:
    I will work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and preferences. Based on that, I will help you identify the aircraft type that best suits your needs, considering factors such as mission profile, seating capacity, range, and budget.

  • Market Search:
    Once we've determined the ideal aircraft type, I will conduct a comprehensive search of the market to find suitable options that meet your criteria. I maintain an extensive network of industry contacts and have access to exclusive listings, ensuring that you have a wide range of choices to choose from.

  • Pre-Purchase Inspection (PPI):
    If you're considering a used aircraft, I will arrange for a thorough pre-purchase inspection (PPI) to be performed by an independent and reputable MRO. The PPI will provide a detailed assessment of the aircraft's condition, identifying any potential issues or areas of concern.

  • Specifications Consulting and Review:
    For new aircraft purchases, I offer specification consulting and review services. I will work with you to develop a customized specification that meets your requirements and ensures that the aircraft is equipped with the features and systems you need.

  • Completion Management:  see "Completion Management" above

  • Operator Selection and Negotiation:
    Whether you intend to operate the aircraft commercially or privately, I provide professional assistance in finding the right operator:

    • Operator Identification: I leverage my established relationships with reputable operators to identify suitable candidates based on your specific requirements and preferences.

    • Negotiation Support: I provide expert negotiation support to help you secure favorable terms and conditions, ensuring a mutually beneficial partnership with the selected operator.

    • Contract Review: I thoroughly analyze the operator agreement to ensure it aligns with your interests and protects your rights.

With my extensive experience and commitment to excellence, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional aircraft delivery, completion, and final delivery services, ensuring my clients' seamless and successful experience. Moreover, my combined operational and technical expertise allowed me to cut costs successfully.


Contact Me:

Whether you're looking for a specific service or a comprehensive package, I am here to help. Contact me today to discuss your requirements, and I will be happy to provide you with personalized advice and support throughout the entire process, from purchase to operation and maintenance.

Maintenance and Operational Invoice Control

The Path to Save Money

This specific service is designed to analyze your invoices from the operator to prevent you from overpaying.  
Contact me to find out how I can help you.

Maintenance and Modification Management

A Comprehensive Approach

- Do you need an independent Advisor who understands the Tech-talk, rules, and regulations?
- Do you have a specific project that requires professional attention? My services are designed to tackle even the most complex projects.
- Contact me today to discover how I can help.

Join PST-Aviation in these great events

PST Aviation is attending selected events, conventions and exhibitions around the world. Please feel free to contact us in order to organize a meeting.

Winter Aviation Summit

Over the past eight years, the Winter Aviation Summit (WAS) has emerged as a premier rendezvous for a select community of distinguished professionals in the business aviation sector. This exclusive assembly comprises experts engaged in various dimensions of aircraft transactions, including procurement, sales, operations, maintenance, financing, and advisory services. Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Switzerland, the WAS has established itself as an esteemed institution within the global business aviation arena.

Villars, Switzerland
13 & 14 March 2024

Bombardier Global Advisory Board Meeting

As a member of the board, I will represent my clients and the Global community. This is the perfect event to meet the most dedicated people around this amazing aircraft. This event is by invitation only. If you are interested and you have a connection to the Bombardier Global please send me a message.

Montreal, Canada
Every Spring and Fall

EBACE 2024

Geneva, Switzerland
28. May 202 - 30. May 2024

EBACE is a premier event and the annual meeting place for the European business aviation community. This major media event brings together business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, corporate aviation department personnel and all manner of people involved in nearly all aspects of business aviation.

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Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen der Pascal Stadler Aviation

1. Geltungsbereich

Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen ("AGB") gelten für den gesamten Geschäftsbereich der Pascal Stadler Aviation (nachfolgend "Firma"). Die Firma berät Kunden im Aviatik-Umfeld.

2. Vertragsabschluss

Der Vertragsabschluss kommt durch die Akzeptanz der Offerte der Firma betreffend den Bezug von Beratungsdienstleistungen durch den Kunden zustande. Der Vertrag kommt auf jeden Fall zustande, wenn der Kunde die von der Firma angebotenen Beratungsdienstleistungen in Anspruch nimmt.

3. Preise

Vorbehaltlich anderweitiger Offerten verstehen sich alle Preise in Schweizer Franken (CHF). Alle Preise verstehen sich exklusive allfällig anwendbarer Mehrwertsteuer (MwSt) und exklusive weiterer allfällig anwendbarer Steuern. Die Firma behält sich vor, die Preise jederzeit zu ändern. Es gelten die zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsabschlusses gültigen Preise.

4. Bezahlung
Die Firma bietet dem Kunden folgende Zahlungsmöglichkeiten: Rechnung, Anzahlung.

Der Kunde ist verpflichtet den in Rechnung gestellten Betrag innert 10 (zehn) Tagen ab Rechnungsdatum zu bezahlen. Wird die Rechnung nicht binnen vorgenannter Zahlungsfrist beglichen, gerät der Kunde automatisch in Verzug. Ab Zeitpunkt des Verzuges schuldet der Kunde Verzugszinsen in der Höhe von 5% (fünf Prozent).

Die Firma behält sich vor, jederzeit ohne Angabe von Gründen Vorauskasse zu verlangen. Eine Verrechnung des in Rechnung gestellten Betrages mit einer allfälligen Forderung des Kunden gegen die Firma ist nicht zulässig. Der Firma steht das Recht zu, bei Zahlungsverzug die Lieferung oder Dienstleistungserbringung zu verweigern.

5. Pflichten der Firma

Die Firma verpflichtet sich, bei sämtlichen Beratungsmandaten nach bestem Wissen und zu handeln und allfällige Gewisse Interessenkonflikte anzumelden. Die Parteien haben das ausdrückliche Recht, zur Erledigung ihrer vertragsgemässen Pflichten Hilfspersonen beizuziehen. Sie haben sicherzustellen, dass der Beizug der Hilfsperson unter Einhaltung aller zwingenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen und allfälliger Gesamtarbeitsverträge erfolgt.

6. Pflichten des Kunden

Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, sämtliche Vorkehrungen welche zur Erbringung der Dienstleistung durch die Firma erforderlich sind rechtzeitig vorzunehmen. Insbesondere gehört dazu das Erbringen geeigneter und den Tatsachen entsprechenden Informationen und Unterlagen für die Firma.

7. Terminannullation

Bei vereinbarten Terminen zum Erbringen der vertraglichen Dienstleistung ist eine Absage bis 7 (sieben) Tage vor dem Termin kostenlos. Bei einer fehlenden oder verspäteten Absage wird 50 % des vereinbarten Honorars bzw. der vereinbarten Zeit in Rechnung gestellt.

8. Haftung

Die Haftung für jegliche indirekte Schäden und Mangelfolgeschäden wird vollumfänglich ausgeschlossen. Die Haftung für direkte Schäden wird auf das Honorar der verursachenden Beratungsleistung beschränkt. Diese Haftungsbeschränkung gilt nicht für direkte Schäden verursacht durch Grobfahrlässigkeit oder Absicht. Jegliche Haftung für Hilfspersonen wird vollumfänglich ausgeschlossen.

9. Immaterialgüterrechte

Sämtliche Rechte an den Produkten, Dienstleistungen und allfälligen Marken stehen der Firma zu oder sie ist zu deren Benutzung vom Inhaber berechtigt. Weder diese AGB noch dazugehörige Individualvereinbarungen haben die Übertragung etwelcher Immaterialgüterrechte zum Inhalt, es sei denn dies werde explizit erwähnt. Zudem ist jegliche Weiterverwendung, Veröffentlichung und das Zugänglichmachen von Informationen, Bildern, Texten oder sonstigem welches der Kunde im Zusammenhang mit diesen Bestimmungen erhält, untersagt, es sei denn, es werde von der Firma explizit genehmigt. Verwendet der Kunde im Zusammenhang mit der Firma Inhalte, Texte oder bildliches Material an welchem Dritte ein Schutzrecht haben, hat der Kunde sicherzustellen, dass keine Schutzrechte Dritter verletzt werden.

10. Datenschutz

Company Number CHE-326.458.773

Die Firma darf die im Rahmen des Vertragsschlusses aufgenommenen Daten zur Erfüllung der Verpflichtungen aus dem Vertrag verarbeiten und verwenden. Die Firma ergreift die Massnahmen welche zur Sicherung der Daten gemäss den gesetzlichen Vorschriften erforderlich sind. Der Kunde erklärt sich mit der Speicherung und vertragsgemässen Verwertung seiner Daten durch die Firma vollumfänglich einverstanden und ist sich bewusst, dass die Firma auf Anordnung von Gerichten oder Behörden verpflichtet und berechtigt ist, Informationen vom Kunden diesen oder Dritten bekannt zu geben. Hat der Kunde es nicht ausdrücklich untersagt, darf die Firma die Daten zu Marketingzwecken verwenden. Die zur Leistungserfüllung notwendigen Daten können auch an beauftrage Dienstleistungspartner oder sonstigen Dritten weitergegeben werden.

11. Änderungen

Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen können von der Firma jederzeit geändert werden. Die neue Version tritt 30 (dreissig) Tage nach der Aufschaltung auf der Website durch die Firma in Kraft. Für die Kunden gilt grundsätzlich die Version der AGB welche zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsabschlusses in Kraft ist. Es sei denn, der Kunde habe einer neueren Version der AGB zugestimmt.

12. Priorität

Diese AGB gehen allen älteren Bestimmungen und Verträgen vor. Lediglich Bestimmungen aus Individualverträgen, welche die Bestimmungen dieser AGB noch spezifizieren, gehen diesen AGB vor.

13. Salvatorische Klausel

Sollte eine Bestimmung dieses Vertrages oder eine Beilage dieses Vertrages ungültig sein oder werden, so wird dadurch die Wirksamkeit des Vertrages im Übrigen nicht berührt. Die Vertragsparteien werden die unwirksame Bestimmung durch eine wirksame Bestimmung ersetzen, die dem gewollten wirtschaftlichen Zweck der ungültigen Bestimmung möglichst nahe kommt. Dasselbe gilt auch für allfällige Vertragslücken.

14. Vertraulichkeit

Beide Parteien, sowie deren Hilfspersonen, verpflichten sich, sämtliche Informationen welche im Zusammenhang mit den Leistungen unterbreitet oder angeeignet wurden, vertraulich zu behandeln. Diese Pflicht bleibt auch nach der Beendigung des Vertrages bestehen.

15. Höhere Gewalt

Wird die fristgerechte Erfüllung durch die Firma, deren Lieferanten oder beigezogenen Dritten infolge höherer Gewalt wie beispielsweise Naturkatastrophen, Erdbeben, Vulkanausbrüche, Lawinen, Unwetter, Gewitter, Stürme, Kriege, Unruhen, Bürgerkriege, Revolutionen und Aufstände, Terrorismus, Sabotage, Streiks, Atomunfälle resp. Reaktorschäden unmöglich, so ist die Firma während der Dauer der höheren Gewalt sowie einer angemessenen Anlaufzeit nach deren Ende von der Erfüllung der betroffenen Pflichten befreit. Dauert die höhere Gewalt länger als 30 (dreissig) Tage kann die Firma vom Vertrag zurücktreten. Die Firma hat dem Kunden bereits geleistetes Entgelt vollumfänglich zurück zu erstatten. Jegliche weiteren Ansprüche, insbesondere Schadenersatzansprüche infolge vis major sind ausgeschlossen.

16. Anwendbares Recht / Gerichtsstand

Diese AGB unterstehen schweizerischem Recht. Soweit keine zwingenden gesetzlichen Bestimmungen vorgehen, ist das Gericht am Sitz der Firma zuständig. Der Firma steht es frei, am Sitz des Beklagten eine Klage anzuheben.


1. Scope 
These general terms and conditions ("GTC") apply to the entire business area of Pascal Stadler Aviation (after this "Company"). The company advises customers in the aviation sector. 
2. Conclusion of the contract 
The contract is concluded through the acceptance of the company's offer regarding the purchase of consulting services by the customer. The contract is concluded in any case when the customer makes use of the consulting services offered by the company. 
3. Prices 
Subject to other offers, all prices are in Swiss Francs (CHF). All prices are exclusive of any applicable value-added tax (VAT) and exclusive of any other applicable taxes. The company reserves the right to change prices at any time. The prices valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract apply. 
4. Payment 
The company offers the customer the following payment options: invoice, deposit. The customer is obliged to pay the invoiced amount within 10 (ten) days of the invoice date. If the invoice is not paid within the aforementioned payment period, the customer will automatically be in default. From the time of default, the customer owes default interest in the amount of 5% (five percent). The company reserves the right to request prepayment at any time without giving reasons. Offsetting the amount invoiced against any claims by the customer against the company is not permitted. The company has the right to refuse delivery or provision of services in the event of default in payment.
5. Company obligations 
The company undertakes to act to the best of its knowledge in all consulting mandates and to report any possible conflicts of interest. The parties have the express right to call in auxiliary persons to carry out their contractual obligations. You must ensure that the 3rd party is involved in compliance with all mandatory statutory provisions and any collective employment contracts. 
6. Obligations of the customer
The customer is obliged to take all the precautions necessary for the company to provide the service in good time. In particular, this includes the provision of suitable and factual information and documents for the company. 
7. Cancellation of appointments 
In the case of agreed appointments for the provision of the contractual service, cancellation up to 7 (seven) days before the appointment is free of charge. In the case of a missing or delayed cancellation, 50% of the agreed fee or the agreed time will be charged. 
8. Liability 
Liability for any indirect damage and consequential damage is excluded in full. Liability for direct damage is limited to the fee for the consulting service that caused the damage. This limitation of liability does not apply to direct damage caused by gross negligence or intent. Any liability for auxiliary persons is completely excluded.
9. Intellectual property rights 
All rights to the products, services, and any trademarks belong to the company, or the owner is entitled to use them. Neither these terms and conditions nor the associated individual agreements contain the transfer of any intellectual property rights unless this is explicitly mentioned. In addition, any further use, publication and making available of information, images, texts or anything else that the customer receives in connection with these provisions is prohibited unless it is explicitly approved by the company. If the customer uses content, text or graphic material in connection with the company to which third parties have property rights, the customer must ensure that no third party property rights are infringed. 
10. Data protection 
Company Number CHE-326.458.773 
The company may process and use the data recorded in the context of the conclusion of the contract to fulfill its obligations under the contract. The company takes the measures that are necessary to secure the data in accordance with the statutory provisions. The customer declares his full consent to the storage and contractual use of his data by the company and is aware that the company is obliged and entitled to disclose information from the customer to these or third parties by order of courts or authorities. If the customer has not expressly prohibited it, the company may use the data for marketing purposes. The data required to fulfill the service can also be passed on to commissioned service partners or other third parties.
11. Changes 
These general terms and conditions can be changed by the company at any time. The new version will come into effect 30 (thirty) days after the company has posted it on the website. For customers, the version of the terms and conditions that is in force at the time the contract is concluded applies. Unless the customer has agreed to a newer version of the terms and conditions. 
12. Priority 
These terms and conditions take precedence over all older provisions and contracts. Only provisions from individual contracts that still specify the provisions of these GTC take precedence over these GTC. 
13. Severability 
Clause Should any provision of this contract or an attachment to this contract be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of the contract. The contracting parties will replace the invalid provision with an effective provision that comes as close as possible to the intended economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same also applies to any contractual loopholes. 
14. Confidentiality 
Both parties, as well as their auxiliaries, undertake to treat as confidential all information submitted or acquired in connection with the services. This obligation remains in effect even after the contract has ended.
15. Force Majeure 
If the timely fulfillment by the company, its suppliers or third parties involved as a result of force majeure such as natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, storms, thunderstorms, storms, wars, riots, civil wars, revolutions and uprisings, terrorism, sabotage, strikes, pandemics, nuclear accidents or. If reactor damage is impossible, the company is released from fulfilling the obligations concerned for the duration of the force majeure and for a reasonable start-up period after it has ended. If the force majeure lasts longer than 30 (thirty) days, the company can withdraw from the contract. The company has to reimburse the customer in full for payments already made. Any further claims, in particular claims for damages as a result of vis major, are excluded. 
16. Applicable law/place of jurisdiction 
These terms and conditions are subject to Swiss law. Unless mandatory statutory provisions apply, the court at the company's registered office is responsible. The company is free to take legal action at the defendant's registered office.

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